Have you heard about the Next Generation Digital Classroom initiative? Congratulations to Jacqueline Garcia, who has been given the opportunity to lead this trailblazing experience. Round Rock ISD created "incubator classrooms" in each school, elementary to high school, to foster the integration of new teaching and learning with mobile tablet technology. The district selected four different mobile devices, and Ms. Garcia and her 5th grade dual language class are piloting the IPad Airs. There is one for each student.
Along with the Ipad tablets, each class received an interactive white board data projector called BoxLight. Since we had a Promethean board, we were able to move that board into another room for other classes to use.
The class started off with addressing our Acceptable Use Policy, the district technology expectations. Students have learned to log into the new devices and have been trying new apps, as well as using their Google accounts. Our goal is to seamlessly embed this new technology into our curriculum and master our technology application essential skills and knowledge.
The class is off to a great start! The students are so engaged in learning. We are confident that this initiative will benefit our students and keep us moving from a First Class to a World Class District!