Thursday, February 16, 2012

Help Clean Up the Park

On February 11, 2012, Ms. Jacks' 4th grade TAG class had their culminating Service Project for their independent study.  They chose to help clean up the park adjacent to our school and surrounding areas.  To show off the pictures, they have used a PictureTrail Puzzle format.   Before the big event, they created flyers using Microsoft Word to promote the day and time.  Right after the brainstorming stage in the beginning stages, they investigated websites to check age restrictions for some of their ideas.  They are also in the process of creating a Prezi to show the steps they went through to select this service project. Check out the pictures and see how much fun they actually had serving others!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

EXCELlent Mathematicians!

Ms. Garcia's 5th grade bilingual students worked hard to integrate math, science, and technology! They used their results from their science fair experiment to create graphs in EXCEL. Creating their graphs really helped them to analyze their data thoroughly and create an accurate conclusion based on their results and hypothesis. Through the science fair process, the students' did an EXCELlent job integrating math, reading, writing, science, and technology into one AMAZING project and experience!