Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Independent Work in TAG Math

Mrs. Jacks, our Talented and Gifted teacher, must be testing tomorrow. Her third grade students have been studying the critical attributes of 2-D shapes. Mrs. Jacks has shared this Google Slides template with her students for them to work independently to create  a 2-D Important Book slides.

Cover...Sample to of the 10 shapes to complete

The fourth grade has their own Google Slides template to work on too.  Theirs is with Perimeter and Area.

Cover...3 of 6 slides to complete

Showing OFF I.T. on Campus

This past Thursday, we had two district Instructional Technology administrators, Robert Autrey and Jeff Uselman, come to Purple Sage for a district walk-through to view technology in the works.  That they saw!
They were first impressed with our librarian, Catherine Jones.  Ms. Jones was working with Ms. Kosub's first grade class using her library Smartboard and tools, Brain-Pop, and our TurningPoint clickers.  Now that is "SMASHING APPS!"
Next, they moved on to our Next Generation Digital Classroom and saw Jackie Garcia with 10 additional "guest" students who couldn't be recognized as new students to the IPad because Ms. Garcia's experienced students were teaching them as they worked. They were multiplying fractions with whole numbers.  They were working through problems on slides with one IPad and creating pictures of the problem using Virtual Manipulatives with another and airdropping the pictures to the first IPad to add to the problem slide. The were all so engaged in the activity.  They all loved learning!
Then, Mr. Autrey and Mr. Uselman saw Travis in Ms. Munoz-DeLeon's 4th grade classroom sharing his Google Presentation of his autobiography with his class, and Ms. Jackson's first graders using Stellarium and learning about the earth's meridian, as well as reading an associated story in Spanish and English using our library online resources. They popped in last into TAG and saw fifth graders doing an interactive activity using elastic bands, as well as third graders working on online math practice.
We unfortunately missed all the action in 2nd grade and kindergarten because time ran out.
Teachers, thank you all for opening your classrooms to our guests and showing off all the technology that is happening in our learning and making Purple Sage ROCK!