Monday, March 31, 2014

Fourth Grades Love Google Presentation

Here are a couple of pictures of Ms. Waddill's fourth grade students all working collaboratively using Google Presentation. They are in groups, and each group is creating a slide.You can see all their colored letter blocks in the second picture as they are working together, and Luke is actually working on a slide while his teammate is on another computer working on the same slide! They love it!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mindstorm Lego Electric Guitar

In preparation for the Robotics Showcase, Aida and Delilah constructed and programmed an electric guitar using NXT Mindstorms featuring an ultrasonic sensor that causes the speakers to play different tones when it senses a Lego slide/wall has moved to a new distance.  Well done Riderbots!"

Prezis to Culminate Projects

Our ISP, Independent Study Projects, directed by our Talented and Gifted teacher, Ms. Melissa Jacks, were based on personal interest areas, called "Pursuit of Passion."  Some students chose to culminate their interest project with a presentation created using Prezis.  Please go to each of the links and click on the right arrow to view.

Ms. Jacks also had students presenting the "storyline" of self-selected books by presenting their comprehension in a presentation.  Again, students chose Prezis to display their understanding of their chosen book. Please check out these links.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


PebbleGo is one of our library online programs for preK to 3rd grade researchers. "PebbleGo databases support literacy and build a foundation for a lifetime of learning."  It is leveled text that is fully narrated designed for the emerging reader and includes visual searching.  Here are pictures of our kindergarten using our computer lab to experience reading,researching and writing about animals using PebbleGo as their resource.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kindergarten Uses IStation

Kindergarten is going strong using Istation, our State provided computer-based language arts learning system. It is an  individualized instructed program that provides research based reading instruction and  richly interactive and animated computer adaptive assessments and differentiated interventions.  This is the sixth assessment and the students are learning phonics, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and so much more.